Commit to Writing


by Janine Mick Wills

It will never be the perfect time, so go ahead and write now.

We are ALL busy. This I know. (Did anyone else start singing “for the Bible tells me so”?)

But to become a good writer (and hopefully a great one), you must commit to it. Regularity will improve your writing (I’m not talking about prunes here!), and not just writing every blue moon (Which happens once every 33 months, if ya didn’t know). Michael Jordan and Nolan Ryan (I’m dating myself!) did not become stellar players by only practicing when they felt like it or when it was convenient.

Our craft improves bit by bit and day-by-day. You must carve out time to “perfect” it (Will it ever be perfect? Probably not. Writing is a constant and evolving process. There are days I count myself blessed to just turn on the computer, but turn it on, I do!). We must make writing an important part of our lives if we are to succeed.

So right now, commit time each day to write; if only a sentence or two. Just put something down, whether on paper, a tablet, a PC, or whichever mode you use. Don’t wait. A “million” things will distract you, so start today. Stretch those writing wings and watch your writing soar!

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