Are Online Writing Courses Worth the Money?
by Janine Mick Wills
May I give you advice, especially to newbie writers? Don’t pay for online writing courses unless spending the money motivates you.
Invariably, this is how they work:
1. First, they offer free advice (set the hook). This is fine. Glean what you can.
2. Then their podcast (which is usually at an inconvenient time and entirely too long) grabs you with a bit more info.
3. After the hook, they reel you in with promises of becoming a better writer if you buy THEIR course.
4. Thereafter, requests to buy their program will fill your inbox until you hit the unsubscribe button.
Writing courses may give you information and motivation, but writing is like any other profession. It’s not a one-time good deal. It takes LOTS of time and LOTS of hard work. An online writing course could help, and if paying the fee gives you the impetus to stick with the entire program, then by all means, go for it. But I suggest you save your money. Nearly everything they offer can be found for free using a Google search.
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