Should You Fake It until You Make It?

Should You Fake It until You Make It?

by Janine Mick Wills

Fake it until you make it
Should I fake it until I make it?
You’ve all heard the adage “Fake it until you make it,” right? Some don’t agree with it, but if I put my mind to something new, I will continue to do it until:
a) I realize it isn’t my cup of tea and move on to the next thing.
b) My age and frame make it impossible to do.
c) I master it or at least accomplished enough to not embarrass my family when performing it.
There’s disparity among writers if you should pretend you’re a writer before you are published. A published book or regular paycheck should not gauge whether or not you are a writer. A write is someone who writes. Period! Where you go from there is up to you.
As a writer, none of us have arrived. Some of us may have published as many tomes as James A. Michener (more than 40). And some of us are still in the locker room, tying on our writing tennies and wondering if we should even enter the gym!
But a writer’s gotta write. So keep chugging up that mountain of punctuation, plots, and prose. You’ll make it to the top if you don’t give up. And the reward is the ride down, which is so much easier and much more enjoyable!
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