Why You Should Keep a Writing Notebook

by Janine Mick Wills
Keep a notebook handy
Keep a notebook handy!


Keep a notebook (paper or electronic) with you at all times. Quit shaking your head at me. Yes, it’s something else to add to a list that already reaches down to your feet, but I promise it will help. If nothing else it will keep your writing in the forefront of your mind. If you see too many blank days in a row, you need to get with it and start writing again. Your notebook can also help you keep track of submissions, expenditures (Yeap, one day your writing could be profitable, and you’ll need this when you file your taxes), and any brilliant ideas that pop into your head (Mine usually happen at night, so I keep pen and paper on my nightstand. I write in the dark as not to wake up my hubby. Sometimes I can’t read my notes the next morning, but at least I put in the effort!).

Your notebook can become your best writing friend, so keep it close by your side. And remember, friends are forever!

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