Why Do You Want to Write?

by Janine Mick Wills


Why Do You Want to Write?
Hmm? I never asked myself that question?
Why do you write or want to write? It’s an important question. Knowing its answer will give you direction and purpose each time you put your thoughts into words.
Some reasons to write:
Generate income
For the fun of it
As a hobby
Incite others into action
Further a cause
Share information and/or knowledge
For therapy
Preserve history
Record your legacy
You are just plain good at it
What about me? Why do I write? I write because I have a knack for it and want to share my stories with the world (Whether the world wants them or not is another question!). And along the way, I hope those stories entertain and inspire. Also, writing feels more productive than doing another puzzle or watching another cooking show!
So ask yourself that question and wait for an honest answer. Then let it lead you in the direction your writing needs to go.
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